Begin again with Mixed Media & Collage (for beginners or not!)

Why beginners mind can help us create our best work

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary. 
— Pablo Picasso

We are constantly in a state of beginning. We wake up in the morning to the same sunrise, but we are a new person. I noticed when I moved recently out of my area, I was so struck with the newness of my surroundings, in awe, open and not knowing what to expect. After a couple of weeks, I started to see my surroundings as familiar and so I stopped looking at them with fresh and enthusiastic eyes. This made me think about the concept of “beginner’s mind”.

What exactly is Beginner’s Mind?

The concept of “beginners mind” is that we try to be free of preconceptions and expectations. This mindset allows us to be curious and open to the possibilities that are in front of us. EVEN though we have a repeated experience, what if we just look at it as though it was the first. Wow! What sounds do we hear? What colors do we see? What feelings do we have? What shapes surround us?

These questions are what allow us to experience the world as a child does: with wonder and curiosity.

Shoshin is a word from Zen Buddhism meaning "beginner's mind." It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner would.

How does Beginner’s Mind affect our Mixed Media Painting?

Now imagine yourself painting in front of a blank canvas. What if we try the same technique but now are immersed in it in a curious, open and innocent way. What new things can we discover? Can that same brush be used in a new way? Can that same collage be pushed one step further? What if I tried to….THAT is the curious and creative mind! That is what pushes us to look at the same thing in multiple ways.

Monet when he painted the haystacks at different times of the day, was very aware of the exact same subject that had not moved but had the light hit it in a new way throughout the day. He was intrigued with the idea of how the SAME object can be experienced in so many different ways.

Children are natural at this, because they’re always beginners at something.

New Mixed Media Collage Workshop for Beginners (or not!)

I will be introducing a new 6 week workshop starting February 1st for those people who really don’t know where to start, and for those ongoing students who want to begin again! I encourage anyone who wants to dig deeper into their practice, to repeat the same lessons but take them further, treat them as though they are new and exciting concepts with endless possibilities!

READ MY PREVIOUS BLOG HERE on How I inspire my students!

If you are interested in mixed media, take a class from Kathy Leader who specializes and works in mixed media. Kathy shares her curiosity and skill in using a variety of materials from India ink painted with bamboo shoots on deli paper, to mono printing with botanical items. She has advice on the best mediums and papers, how to insert papers in a professional manner, and can critique and problem solve with you for the best result. I have taken many classes from instructors who have knowledge of mixed media, but don’t work in mixed media enough to teach on the level of an artist like Kathy Leader. I highly recommend her class!
Kathy Leader