How to remove harsh self judgment in your art work.

The Power of not Seeing/Knowing what will emerge

As the old saying goes, “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there”. By being comfortable with the unknown, you’re open to new ideas bubbling up to the surface. When you allow that process to happen, self judgment begins to seem futile and certainly in the way of accessing deep creative fluidity. The mind is in the way. We often “identify” so strongly with it, that we think we are our minds!

How art can help us bypass the mind

In the exercise that I did in my last retreat (see the video above), each participant was given a candle to draw with. Without looking at their paper or lifting the candle off of the surface, they were to draw each other across the table. Looking down at the end, there was nothing there…so there was nothing to criticize. By revealing the portrait with paint and ink, they were treated to a peek into their psyche in a fresh and almost unattached way. By not knowing what would emerge, (and being encouraged to be ok with that), they were able to bypass their thoughts and access a deeper intuitive voice.

What is intuitive painting?

Intuitive art is a process of bypassing the conscious mind in order to create from a subconscious mind and therefor to bridge the gap between the two worlds.

If you want to learn more about the opportunities to learn more and practice this concept of intuitive art making with no judgment, check out our upcoming online and in person workshops: