My Abstract Mixed Media Art Development

How to access your intuitive creative voice

Morning Mixed Media Art Journal

When it comes to creating art, the process is a deeply personal and sometimes even spiritual experience. It's a journey of self-discovery and expression.

Steps in The Art Process

In the video below, I start with no agenda, no product in mind, just a playful pushing paint around. When something emerges, I just go with it, allowing the process to take me along it's path. However, I do have some general guidelines to follow.

  1. Start by choosing some colors that you are drawn to intuitively on that day.

  2. Apply the paints playfully without thinking on the paper. (I often use an old credit card for it’s random quality). Sometimes I spray water, blot, drip, anything as long as you are not getting too attached to it. Its only the first layer.

  3. Choose collage papers that you are drawn to and stick them intuitively around the piece.

  4. Start finding and defining shapes.

  5. Allow the piece to emerge and GO with it! Sometimes we spend so much time thinking and worrying about whether we are doing it right, we stop allowing the process to unfold. “We find our feet by walking!” One thing leads to the next and the flow begins.!


Do you need to be an artist to create art?

If we follow the reasoning above, it follows that ANYONE can be creative and make art given the right stimulation and circumstance. That is why The Art Process Method is so successful. It encourages and exercises that creative muscle, taking the self criticism out of the picture (a sure way to deaden creativity!) By incorporating meditation and self inquiry into the creative process, it opens the doorways to your unique vision and self expression!


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